Wednesday, June 21, 2006

long jog

wow did i get a lesson in humility tonight. ive always been in ok to good cardio shape, but man ive let myself go. i went running with jordan(sigma pi) and man am i out of shape. not to bad but it was a long mile, and them we walked for like 2hrs talking about stuff. all in all it was a great night but i will def get out and walk/run more. insted of just talking about it. and some times in lifr you come to a point where you just need to make dissisions. i remember when i became a christian, i just made up my mind that i need him to save me. so i got up and asked for it, and the funny thing is that God did it. he didnt wait or post pone it, it happened right there and then. even now if you were to ask Jesus in to your heart and confess you sins, guess what he will. so why is it that we put off things like this. i dont know, i mean there are dumb excuses like, ill have to change. no you wont, you'll want to change some of the changes are hard but God will go to war with you and will never, never leave your back. ill have to do this and that and get weird. no you'll get weird on your own, you'll just be a christian who happens to be weird. and guess what thats ok, i have a ton of weird friends. we complement each other well. so dont put off today coming to know christ just ask him, he's waiting you cant be good enough to earn it. just ask. till next time see ya

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