well its been awhile and time gets lost in the midst oth things. i would first like to start off with saying thank you to all who prayed this last week durring Rush at MSU. from what ive heard it was a great. this week i would like to pray for the girls at the Alpha Tau chapter of Sigma Kappa (
local national ) i would also like to pray for the Guys Delta Chi (
local national ) be in prayer that God will open the doors of these and many more houses this fall, and that he will take over the Greek community. something new we're going to be doing this fall is pod casting. most sun night sermons and most Greek life bible studys are going to be put online for y'all who want to know what goes on. ill have the site and link set up soon. kadee and i are doing fine, i found out last week that in oct she and jamie are moving to alma. we have a wedding this weekend to go to. classes have been going well, i like my profs and from what i can tell they like me just fine. as a good
southern baptist i sit in the same seat in the back every class time, and bring my dish to pass( sometimes candy or other stuff to eat durring class) and why you may ask do you sit in the back, simple thats where the goof offs sit. and that as a christian is who i want to meet and get to know. besids i was once a goof off. i konw shock of a life time tell me about it. everyone always says that they're lost causes, but God didnt give up on me so who am i to blow him off. hes given me a great oppertunity a school and id be a fool to waist it. are you making the most of every oppertunity.(work, family,school,friends) if not why. think about it this week. that will be my Mrs. Beaver quote of the week. thats it for now later gaters!!