Monday, September 04, 2006

1 year

wow its hard to believe that kadee and i have been dating for a year now. a lots happend, two summer youth camps, school , holidays, a college trip to OK, and a year of Greek Life. man life doesnt slow down for anything. i think the thing that has helped us most are our relationships with God. so we see each other 1-2 every 2-3 weeks well, it could be worse. but what time we do get is nice, we will just drive for a day. go see somewhere in the state we've never been to. its nice to just get away some times, you'd think being in ministry i work on sun. right? yea you find a minister who just works on sun and ill......... do something weird. sure i work sun, the whole day, then theres my time in the office, them time on campus with the Greeks, them the 2 youth bible studies/week, them aGreek bible study, them i meet with Drew every week. and thats a week with no spur of the moment calls of distress or extra meetings. now you can see why what time baby beaver and i get is so nice. its nice to have someone to do things with, including ministry. oh yea pray for us this weekend we have another youth rally in jackson. we hope for 300+ kids this time. pray that God provide the students and that NOoppertunity to share the love of jesus go bye. thats all for now, see ay

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