Friday, May 05, 2006

new info

what a nice shade of color. its so nice to have spring here. this might sound weird but if you know me you'll understand. im so happy to go and plant flowers, mow the lawn and fertalize, and just be outside doing yard work.(no comments from the peanut gallery,sara,justin,kevin) its nice to be out in Gods creations. to watch how he can take even the worst yard, and with a little water and some prayers can change it to a nice green, thick, full lawn. a lawn friends can come and sit in and just chill. then to see him give life to flowers, wow. im so glad that he saw the potential in me. with out his water and love and care, i'd still be lost. nothing but a dryed nasty yard. wow and to think i didnt have to pay a dime, didnt pay for his water, his fertalizer, anything. i just came befor him,asked for his help,confessed all the sin in my lifeand, asked jesus in to my heart. thats all, what a nice lawn ive turned into. im mean in not perfict, but at least he's got me on the right path and leads me every day. just remember that just because you've become a christian, it doesnt give you the free judgement card of others. how is being better than someone or treating them poorly going to help them. remember to put those people ahead of you. "the first shall be last, and the last shall be be first." its all about making others better than yourself by serving them.building them up and then letting them go and carry on the race. guess what, by doing this with out even knowing you'll be building yourself up and honnoring God with your life. how cool is that. well thats all for now, later im off to go mow the lawn, yea!!

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