Thursday, May 25, 2006


wow so its been awhile, and boy do i have a lot to say. drew and i have been meetting one on one, and its been great. we're going through Acts still and hes doing great. there's such a growth going on with him its cool to watch. you all can be in prayer for him, hes taking summer classes along with working. one more month till metamorphisis,(youth camp up north) im so pumped last year was, wow. to see how God made himself real to the kids. man i can tell that this year is going to be twice as big. so that brings me to a intresting ? ....... who is able to receive God? is it only the Jews, only good people, rich people? drew and i talked about this on mon over dinner. well peter said in act(10:34) that God dosent show "favoritism", but accepts men from every nation. who fear him. wow every nation, so that means every one has the opption of coming to know christ. how cool is that. God is for everyone. not just the people who fit our mold. or the ones who we're ok with, but the guy who came in off the street, the guy who drinks too much, the family thats poor, rich dirty, and we as christians would be FOOLS to turn our backs on them, to telll them that they're not welcom, or that their church is down the street. church is'nt a country club for the saved, but a hospital for the lost. to meet their need, to care for them, to love them , and to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them. well thats it for now .

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